Summer Session

Summer Session!

Give your child the gift of learning a new skill and achieving mastery at a new way of thinking this summer!

We are all looking forward to the world starting to open back up.  Summer 2022 will still be anything but normal.

Let ClassDisco teachers build a customized learning experience for your daughter or son that they can pursue at their own pace, online or off, connecting with their teacher for one-on-one updates a few times per week as they learn.

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One to Eight Weeks

One-on-One Education

Grow Faster

Friendly Support

Examples include:

  • AP Course Prep
  • Biology Intensive
  • Intro to Entrepreneurial Thinking
  • Acting for Scientists
  • The Math of Formula One
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Photographic Essay

ClassDisco teacher Jenny is working with an eleventh grade student from Chicago who is doing a "photographic essay" telling the story of the life of a family of swans on one of Michigan's lakes.   Jenny's photographic essays have appeared in galleries in New York and San Francisco. 

Calligraphy 302

ClassDisco student Sydney wanted to take her calligraphy to the next level and has engaged teacher Ellen to build a customized one-week intense class.  Sydney will meet with Ellen at noon and at 4pm each day of the week for thirty minute sessions to review the work that Sydney's completed in the mean time.  This fits in right between Sydney's two camp experiences that she is not sure but hopes will happen in this crazy summer 2021.
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