Expository Writing

Expository Writing

Learn to be a great writer by finding the perfect teacher, and writing about what interests you the most.

Why is writing so often taught by giving children assignments on topics that they don't care deeply about?  Because it's being taught to an entire class at once!

With custom one-on-one teaching, your student can write about whatever interests them the most.  By going deep about what they care about, their teacher can give them truly meaningful feedback that resonates with them.  They'll learn to write a great essay.

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Great Writers are Needed More than Ever

In today's digital world, we're writing more than we ever have.  And if you ask any college instructor who receives written assignments, their quality has been steadily declining for over a decade.  

Great writing is a skill that is honed by receiving great writing feedback.

Using ClassDisco, you can engineer that perfect fit for your student.
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